Boar Mate For Cats: Curbing Unwanted Sexual Aggression In Male Cats




Boar Mate For Cats


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As responsible and caring cat owners, it’s essential that we address all aspects of our feline companions’ well-being. One aspect that can be challenging to deal with is unwanted sexual aggression in male neutered cats. This behavior can be distressing for both the cats involved.

So, how does Boar Mate for cats help curb this problem? Boar Mate for cats effectively reduces unwanted male attention by masking the natural scent of the female cat. When you apply it to your female cat, this product replaces her scent with male pheromones.

Read on to find out more about how Boar Mate for Cats can help. This guide will also talk about other useful measures to nurture sexual aggression and create a peaceful living environment for your feline friends.

The Problem Of Sexual Aggression In Male Neutered Cats

Male neutered cats can display sexual aggression due to their keen sense of smell, which allows them to detect the presence of a female cat in heat. My cat, Muezza, who is female, would always get this unwanted attention from my neighbor’s male cat.

This problem continued even after my neighbor neutered his cat. The male cat would wait for the opportune moment and then attempt to mount Muezza from behind, biting her neck and pinning her to the ground.

This aggression was a highly uncomfortable and distressing experience for Muezza, causing her to scratch and fight back. However, it’s crucial to note that this behavior occurred occasionally, as these cats usually get along peacefully about 90% of the time.

Why Do Neutered Cats Still Hump?

There are several reasons why male cats will still continue to be sexually aggressive even after being neutered. They include the following.

  • Hormonal Activity: After neutering, male cats’ hormones remain active for a period of approximately 6-8 weeks. During this time, they may still exhibit mating behaviors, including humping.
  • Urinary Tract Infections: Sometimes, male cats may display humping behavior as a response to urinary tract infections. The discomfort caused by the infection can lead to unusual behaviors like sexual aggression.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Stress and anxiety can manifest in various ways in cats, including inappropriate humping behavior. Changes in your household or environment can trigger stress, and your cat may opt for this behavior as a coping mechanism.
  • Reinforce Social Ranking: In some cases, your neutered male cat can become sexually aggressive to establish or reinforce its social ranking if you have several cats in your home. This behavior is more about dominance and territoriality than sexual aggression.
  • Habitual Behavior: If you neuter your male cat later in life or after developing certain habits, the humping behavior may continue as a learned behavior, even after neutering. You should ensure that you neuter your male cat when it is about 6 months old.

Boar Mate For Cats Is The Perfect Solution

One effective solution to curb unwanted sexual aggression in male cats is using Boar Mate on female cats. This product is initially produced to encourage mating in livestock boars, but you can adapt it for feline use with promising results.

After several aggressive encounters with my neighbor’s cat, I had to try a different solution for Muezza since the neutering was not working. That is when I came across Boar Mate. Boar Mate helps reduce undesired male attention by masking the natural scent of the female cat.

When you apply it to your female cat, Boar Mate covers her natural scent and replaces it with male pheromones. This confuses the male cat and helps deter him from exhibiting aggressive mating behavior. And it really works! After applying it to Muezza, my neighbor’s cat immediately stopped trying to hump her.

Applying Boar Mate on Muezza's rump and tail using a cotton ball

By using Boar Mate on your cat, you can significantly reduce the occurrence of sexual aggression. Ultimately, it creates a more harmonious living environment for your feline companions.

How to Apply Boar Mate?

Remember that you should apply Boar Mate on your female cat’s rump and tail using a cotton ball. You will also need to reapply it every few days, typically around three days, to maintain its effectiveness.

Other Solutions To Help Curb Sexual Aggression

In addition to using Boar Mate for Cats, you can take several other measures to address and manage sexual aggression in your male neutered cats:

1. Distract the Cats

Providing alternative activities and interactive toys for your cats can help divert your male cat’s attention away from the female’s scent and aggressive behaviors.

Focusing more on playtime and mental stimulation can redirect your cat’s focus and reduce the likelihood of displaying unwanted mating behavior.

2. Reduce Stress

Stress and anxiety can exacerbate humping behavior in cats. That is why you should identify and address potential stressors in the environment, such as sudden changes or introductions of new animals.

This can significantly contribute to minimizing the unwanted sexual aggressiveness of your neutered cat. After all, ensuring that your cats have a stable and predictable routine can provide a sense of security and help reduce stress levels.

3. Behavioral Training

You can use training and behavior modification techniques to discourage sexual aggression among your cats.

These techniques include positive reinforcement, such as rewards for good behaviors and redirection when you notice your cat is about to be sexually aggressive. However, you should avoid trying to separate the cats when you find them in the act, as they can shift this aggression to you.

4. Provide Adequate Space

Ensuring that each of your cats has enough personal space can help minimize conflicts and territorial behavior.

Cats may display sexual aggression if they feel crowded or threatened in their territory. Providing separate resting areas and designated spaces for each cat can reduce tensions and promote peaceful coexistence.


Here are a few more related questions that you might be interested in.

Q1: Is sexual aggression in neutered male cats common?

Sexual aggression in neutered male cats can occur, but it is not as prevalent as it is in intact male cats. Neutering significantly reduces testosterone levels and, in turn, diminishes the likelihood of aggressive mating behavior.

Q2: Will using Boar Mate alter my female cat’s natural scent permanently?

No, Boar Mate is designed to be temporary and will not permanently alter your female cat’s natural scent. It masks the scent temporarily by replacing it with male pheromones to deter male aggression.


Addressing unwanted sexual aggression in male neutered cats is essential to ensure a peaceful and comfortable living environment for your feline friends. After all, understanding the reasons behind this behavior allows us to take appropriate steps to mitigate the issue.

Boar Mate for cats offers a promising solution by masking the female’s scent and deterring male aggression effectively. Alongside using Boar Mate, providing distractions, reducing stress, and rewarding positive behavior can further contribute to nurturing a healthy relationship between your cats.

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