Why Is My Cat Peeing On Stove? Understanding This Weird Behaver




Cat Peeing On Stove


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Cats are wonderful companions, but they can sometimes exhibit confusing behavior. One such behavior you will find perplexing is when your furry friend starts peeing on the stove.

So, why is my cat peeing on stove? There are several reasons for this behavior, including the stove’s proximity to the litter box, a dirty litter box, stress, and the smell of litter on the stove. Other reasons include urine marking, declawing, and underlying health issues.

Continue reading to have an in-depth understanding of why your cat pees on your stove. You will also discover effective strategies to stop this peculiar behavior and tips on preventing it from happening in the future.

Why Is My Cat Peeing On Stove?

Cats are creatures of habit who love using their litter boxes to eliminate. So, if you notice your cat peeing on your stove, there must be an underlying problem it is trying to communicate. Here are several reasons why your cat engages in this peculiar behavior.

1. Proximity to the Litter Box

One possible reason for your cat’s choice of using the stove as a bathroom spot is its proximity to the litter box. Cats prefer their litter box to be located in a separate area where they can have privacy and feel comfortable.

I used to keep the litter box of my cat, Muezza, in the kitchen when she was around a year old (she is almost 3 years old now). After a while, I found her peeing on the stove. She had associated the stove as being part of her bathroom area.

2. Dirty Litter Box

Cats are clean animals, and they have a strong aversion to using dirty litter boxes.

If you neglect to clean the sandbox regularly, your cat may seek alternative spots, such as the stove, to relieve itself.

3. Stress-Induced Factors

Stress can significantly impact a cat’s behavior, including choosing a bathroom location. Cats are sensitive creatures, and alterations in their environment or routine can cause stress.

Several factors can contribute to heightened stress levels in cats, including:

  • Moving to a new home
  • Introducing a new pet
  • Loud noises

In response, they may seek alternative spots like the stove to mark their territory or express their anxiety.

4. Smelling Litter from the Stove

Cats have an incredibly keen sense of smell. In case your cat can detect the scent of its own urine or the litter it uses on the stove, it may encourage them to continue using it as a bathroom spot.

5. Urine Marking

Urine marking is a behavior exhibited by male and female cats and is often a territorial display. When your cat marks the stove with its urine, it is trying to assert dominance or communicate with other cats in the household.

This habit is particularly common if you have several cats, where they may feel the need to express their presence and set boundaries. This problem can continue for a while because even after cleaning the stove, your cat will still come back to mark its territory again.

6. Declawing

Declawing is a controversial procedure involving removing a cat’s claws. This procedure can lead to physical discomfort and emotional distress for the cat. Remember that your cat normally has soft paws.

By declawing it, especially if it is still young, it will find the litter too coarse for its paws. Stoves have smooth surfaces, which are much more comfortable for your cat’s paws. So it may pee on it instead of using the litter box.

In some cases, declawed cats may develop behavioral issues, including inappropriate urination. The discomfort experienced from declawing may prompt cats to seek alternative surfaces like the stove.

7. Health-related Issues

In some instances, inappropriate urination can indicate underlying health problems in cats.

Conditions such as urinary tract infections (UTI), kidney disease, diabetes, or bladder stones can cause discomfort and lead to changes in urination behavior.

Muezza found peeing on the litter quite difficult because of UTI
Muezza found peeing on the litter quite difficult because of UTI

UTI is a common condition in cats. When Muezza caught it, she found peeing on the litter quite difficult. That is why she opted to pee on the stove instead, which is much smoother and more comfortable.

In this situation, consult with a veterinarian to rule out any potential health issues.

How To Stop Your Cat From Taking A Leak On Your Stove

my cat muezza peeing on stove

This is the picture I took when Muezza finished peeing. After that, I took steps to prevent Muezza from urinating on the stove.

You can take several measures to stop your cat from continuing this behavior. These measures include the following.

1. Clean The Sandbox

Regularly cleaning your cat’s litter box is essential to maintain proper hygiene and prevent them from urinating in alternative spots, like the stove.

2. Stop Using Scented Litter

While scented litter may seem appealing, cats have a more acute sense of smell, and strong fragrances can be off-putting. Opt for unscented litter to make your cat feel more comfortable using the sandbox.

3. Cover The Stove With A Wire Mesh/Grate

Covering the stove with a wire mesh or grate can physically prevent your cat from accessing the surface. Cats typically prefer a flat, smooth surface for urination, and the presence of a mesh or grate will discourage them from using the stove as their bathroom.

4. Spray A Citrus Scent On The Stove

Cats generally dislike the smell of citrus. You can use this to your advantage by spraying a citrus-scented air freshener or using citrus essential oils on and around the stove.

5. Get Another Litter Box

If the proximity of the sandbox to the stove is a contributing factor, consider adding an additional litter box in a separate location. This will give your cat more options and reduce the likelihood of choosing the stove as a bathroom spot.

6. Take Your Cat To The Vet

If you have tried various strategies to discourage your cat from urinating on the stove without success, it is time to consult a veterinarian. They can rule out any underlying health issues causing this behavior and provide appropriate guidance and treatment.

  • Minimizing stress

Make your cat’s habitat quiet and stress-free. Provide hiding spots, vertical spaces like cat trees or shelves, and interactive toys to stimulate them mentally and physically.

  • Providing other climbing opportunities

Cats have an instinct to climb and perch. By providing them with a dedicated space, such as a cat tree, you can redirect their attention and prevent them from seeking alternative surfaces like the stove.

How To Clean Cat Pee From Your Stove?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to effectively clean cat pee from your stove:

Step 1

Address the issue immediately

Address the issue immediately
Addressing the issue of Muezza’s Pee

The sooner you address the issue, the easier it will be to remove the urine odor and prevent it from seeping into the stove surface.

Step 2

Soak up the area

Soak up the area
Soaking up the Pee area

Use a clean cloth or absorbent paper towels to soak up the cat pee. You can also use Coca-Cola instead.

Step 3

Prepare a cleaning solution

Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Vinegar is useful for reducing odors and disintegrating the different elements of cat pee.

Step 4

Spray and wipe

Spray and wipe
Spraying and wiping the stove

Liberally spray the cleaning solution onto the area of the stove your cat peed on. Allow it to air out for a few minutes to allow the vinegar to do its job. Then, wipe the surface clean with a damp cloth.


Here are a few additional questions you might be interested in.

Q1: Can cat urine damage my stove?

Yes. Cat urine contains ammonia and uric acid, which can cause discoloration and damage certain surfaces, including the stove. Prompt cleaning and preventive measures are essential to minimize any potential harm.

Q2: Why does my cat sit on the electric stove?

Cats are drawn to warm surfaces, and electric stoves can provide a cozy spot for them to rest. However, it’s crucial to ensure their safety by preventing access to the stove and providing alternative warm and comfortable spots for them.

Q3: How do I eliminate the odor of my cat’s pee?

To remove the odor of your cat’s urine, thoroughly wipe the affected area with an enzymatic cleaner. These cleaners break down the urine components and effectively neutralize the odor.


Dealing with your cat peeing on stove can be frustrating and perplexing. However, you can take proactive steps to address the issue by understanding the various factors contributing to this behavior, such as the stove’s proximity to the litter box, a dirty litter box, stress, etc.

However, by cleaning the litter box regularly, covering the stove with a wire, etc., you can create a harmonious living environment where your cat feels comfortable and eliminates appropriately. Say goodbye to the woes of a cat peeing on the stove and enjoy a happier relationship with your feline companion.

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