Why Is My Cat Butt Twitching? Understand the Strange Behavior




Why Is My Cat Butt Twitching?


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Cats are fascinating creatures with unique behaviors that often leave us in awe. One such behavior that may catch your attention is cat butt twitching. While it may seem odd or amusing initially, it’s important to understand that this behavior can sometimes indicate an underlying issue that needs attention.

So, why is my cat’s butt twitching? Cat butt twitching can be a symptom of various underlying issues, including anal gland irritation, allergies, seizures, spinal problems, or hyperesthesia. Identifying the cause is crucial in providing appropriate care for your feline companion.

Continue reading to gain insights into distinguishing normal behavior from potential problems. You will also uncover the secrets behind this curious behavior and equip yourself with the knowledge to care for your cat’s health and happiness.

How To Tell If The Cat Butt Twitching Is A Problem

Observing your cat’s behavior is crucial in determining whether the butt twitching is a cause for concern. I had this issue with my cat, Muezza, about a year ago. Here are some signs that indicate it might be a problem:

  • Over Grooming below the waist: Cats suffering from discomfort or pain in their anal region may excessively groom the area.
  • A lot of tail swishing: Frequent tail swishing, especially combined with other symptoms, can suggest discomfort or irritation.
  • Sensitivity in the back or anywhere near its anus: If your cat displays sensitivity or reacts negatively when touched near the anal area.
  • Keeping tail down as it is painful to lift tail up: Cats may keep their tails down to avoid exacerbating the pain or discomfort.
  • Frantic running away after the twitching: If your cat engages in impulsive, agitated behavior after experiencing butt twitching.
  • Excessive meowing and other noises: Unusual vocalization, such as excessive meowing or different distressing sounds.
  • Biting the lower back and sides: Cats in discomfort may bite the affected area, attempting to relieve their distress.
  • Sensitive in the back or anywhere near its anal area: Similar to the earlier point, sensitivity or discomfort is an important symptom to note when touched near the anal area.
  • Your cat will not let you get close to it or touch the affected area: If your cat actively avoids contact or becomes defensive when you attempt to approach the affected area.

Why Is My Cat Butt Twitching?

Cat butt twitching can stem from various underlying causes. I had to diagnose these causes with Muezza to find the underlying problem. Let’s explore each potential cause in depth:

Sometimes, cats exhibit butt twitching as a part of their greeting behavior. This occasional twitching, accompanied by no signs of pain or discomfort, is considered a normal feline behavior.

It serves as a way for cats to communicate and interact with each other. However, monitoring your cat’s behavior and ensuring it remains otherwise healthy is important. Here are signs to help you know your cat is just greeting you:

  • If the butt twitching happens occasionally.
  • If your cat shows no signs of visible pain.
  • The butt twitching is accompanied by your cat wagging its tail, especially at the tip.

One possible cause of cat butt twitching is irritation in the anal glands. Cats have small glands near their anus that secrete a scent for marking territory. When these glands become irritated or blocked, they can cause discomfort and lead to butt twitching.

If signs of anal gland irritation accompany your cat’s butt twitching, you will observe your cat experiencing the following too:

  • Scooting
  • Excessive licking or biting of the area
  • Discharge or swelling
  • Experiencing pain when sitting
  • Straining during bowel movements

I had to check Muezza as she pooped to see if she was struggling. Luckily, she wasn’t, clearing out any anal gland irritations as a possibility.

checking Muezza after she poops
Checking Muezza after she poops

Treatment: Adding fiber to your cat’s diet can help promote regular bowel movements and prevent anal gland issues. If the irritation persists, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian who might recommend antibiotics or flushing of the affected area to alleviate the discomfort.

Fleas and other skin allergies can trigger intense itching and discomfort in cats, leading to butt twitching as a response. Flea bites can cause allergic reactions, known as flea allergy dermatitis, resulting in intense itching and irritation.

Additionally, your cat can develop allergies to certain foods, environmental factors, or other substances, leading to skin allergies. Common signs of skin allergies include:

  • Excessive scratching
  • Hair loss
  • Redness and skin inflammation
  • The presence of black specks (flea dirt) on the cat’s fur
  • Crusty bumps on the skin

Treatment: Using flea treatment products like Revolution Plus can help eliminate fleas and manage cat skin allergies. Additionally, addressing any potential environmental allergens and providing a hypoallergenic diet may be recommended by a veterinarian to alleviate the symptoms.

In some cases, cat butt twitching may manifest as a seizure disorder. Seizures occur due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain and can present in various ways.

Your cat may have seizure disorders if it exhibits butt twitching alongside other seizure-related behaviors, such as:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Disorientation
  • Repetitive movements
  • Loud vocalizations
  • Twitching of eyelids or face
  • Excessive drooling

Treatment: If you suspect your cat is experiencing seizures, it is essential to seek veterinary attention. The vet will conduct a thorough examination and, if necessary, prescribe anticonvulsant medication to manage and control the seizures.

Spinal issues such as slipped discs or pinched nerves can cause pain and discomfort, resulting in butt twitching as a response. Slipped discs occur when the soft cushions between the vertebrae bulge or rupture, potentially pressing on nearby nerves.

Pinched nerves can also result from pressure or compression on the nerves in the spinal column. Cats with spinal problems may exhibit additional signs such as difficulty moving, changes in posture, reluctance to jump or climb, and sensitivity when touched.

Look for signs such as:

  • Balancing issues
  • Reluctance to jump
  • Loss of bladder control
  • A hunched back with tense muscles
  • Inability to walk properly

Treatment: Taking your cat to the veterinarian for a proper diagnosis if you suspect spinal problems is important. Treatment options may include pain medication, anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, or, in severe cases, surgical intervention to address the underlying issue and alleviate discomfort.

Hyperesthesia is a condition characterized by a heightened sensitivity in cats. It can cause exaggerated responses to stimuli, leading to discomfort and butt twitching. Cats with hyperesthesia may display additional symptoms, such as:

  • Excessive grooming
  • Rippling skin
  • Aggression
  • Dilated pupils
  • Tail chasing
  • Agitation
  • Sudden bursts of activity
  • Randomly attacking nearby objects

Remember that diagnosing hyperesthesia is done by checking off these other potential causes as implausible first. Also, take a video of the symptoms when taking your cat to the vet.

Treatment: It is advisable to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. The vet may suggest behavior modification techniques and environmental modifications to reduce stress. Also, the vet may potentially prescribe medication to manage the condition effectively.

Here is a video to help you understand this better.

I had to take Muezza to the vet for treatment after diagnosing all these problems. It turns out that she had hyperesthesia. After starting her treatment plan, her signs began to fade off one by one. In a month, she was back to being her normal self; active and healthy!


Here are a few more questions you might be interested in knowing, too.

Q1: Why do cats twitch their tail?

Cats twitch their tails for various reasons. It can signify excitement, arousal, aggression, or an attempt to maintain balance. However, if the tail twitching is persistent, excessive, or accompanied by other symptoms of discomfort, it’s important to investigate further to ensure there are no underlying issues.

Q2: Why is my cat scooting?

Scooting or dragging the hindquarters along the floor can indicate issues such as anal gland problems, worms, or skin irritation. If you notice your cat engaging in this behavior, consult a veterinarian to identify and address the underlying cause.

Q3: Why does my cat’s back twitch when I touch it?

If your cat’s back twitches when you touch it, it could be a sign of sensitivity or discomfort in that area. The twitching might be a reflexive response to pain, irritation, or an underlying medical condition.


Cat butt twitching can be a harmless behavior or a sign of an underlying problem. By paying close attention to your cat’s behavior and identifying any associated signs of discomfort, you can determine whether veterinary intervention is necessary.

Understanding the potential causes, such as anal gland irritation, allergies, seizures, spinal issues, or hyperesthesia, enables you to address the problem effectively. Remember, proactive care and prompt veterinary attention are essential when it comes to your feline friend’s health and well-being.

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