Why Is Cat Sleepy After Flea Treatment? Causes And Solutions




Why Is Cat Sleepy After Flea Treatment?


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Flea treatments are advantageous for cats because they shield them from dangerous parasites. Your cat might oversleep after this process. Watching your feline companion give way to a sudden wave of tiredness after a flea treatment can leave you puzzled.

But why is the cat sleepy after flea treatment? Cats may have sedative effects after receiving flea treatments, making them feel tired or sluggish. They may feel sleepy because of the strain and physical effort of the application procedure. This tiredness is temporary and won’t harm your cat.

Understanding why cats go into this transient sleep might assist pet owners in soothing their feline companions during this time. Let’s explore the reasons behind a cat’s sleepiness post flea treatment and ways to tackle it.

Reasons Why A Cat Sleepy After Flea Treatment

It’s normal for your cat to feel exhausted after receiving flea treatment. This momentary sleepiness is caused by several things. The active chemicals in flea treatments may have modest sedative effects. Moreover, the cat may also feel tired due to physical activity during the application.

When I applied flea spray on Muezza, my cat, for the first time, she felt sleepy. I was concerned for her health at the time since I didn’t know the causes.

Muezza felt sleepy after flea treatment
Muezza felt sleepy after flea treatment

Following Muezza’s flea treatment, I realized that understanding the causes of this lethargy is crucial. This knowledge can aid cat owners in caring for their cats after flea treatment.

Thus, I conducted some research to learn more about the reasons for cats’ sleepiness post-flea treatment. To make things simpler for our readers when they treat their cats for fleas, I’m providing the research results here:

Active Substances

Many flea remedies include active substances that either target and kill fleas or interrupt their life cycle. Pyrethroids or fipronil are examples of such substances. These chemicals are designed to be safe for cats.

Nonetheless, they might still have minor sedative effects on the cat’s neurological system that cause sleepiness or lethargic behavior.

Anxiety And Stress

If you didn’t know before, let me inform you cat anxiety is real. The flea treatment method may cause discomfort or anxiety in particular cats. They may feel anxious when touched, constrained, or exposed to applying medication. Cats may get exhausted due to this stress reaction and look for a safe, relaxing spot.

Stressful Environment

The setting where the flea treatment is given may be a factor in the cat’s drowsiness. Due to unexpected odors, sounds, and contact with other animals, veterinary offices and grooming parlors can upset cats.

These elements may make cats feel worn out or make them want to find a quiet area to relax and recuperate.

Treatment Timing

If you apply flea medicine right before your cat’s sleeping time, it might cause them to sleep more than usual. Therefore, the time may match the cat’s normal sleeping rhythms, resulting in tiredness.

Side Effects of Flea Treatment on Cats

Though flea treatments are not harmful to cats, like Muezza, other cats may experience some side effects.  After applying flea medication, Muezza was tired and consumed little food. But the following day, she was all good to go.

image of Muezza when she was tired because of flea medicine
image of Muezza when she was tired because of flea medicine

It’s critical to be aware of these possible side effects and keep a tight eye on your cat following flea treatment. I advise you to seek veterinarian care if any troublesome symptoms appear.

Look for these potential side effects to assess the condition of your cat after flea treatment:

  • Some cats may display indications of tiredness or increased sleepiness after receiving flea treatment.
  • Cats may occasionally suffer minor itchiness or redness where medication has been applied.
  • In response to the feeling or scent of the flea treatment, cats may engage in more scratching or grooming. However, excessive scratching could be a sign of an allergy or discomfort.
  • Cats may exhibit momentary behavioral changes such as restlessness, hiding, or avoiding eye contact. These actions are frequently the result of worry or tension brought on by the application procedure.
  • Rarely, cats may respond to a flea treatment by experiencing moderate stomach issues, including vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Although uncommon, some cats may experience an adverse response to some flea treatment chemicals. An allergic reaction may manifest as swelling, hives, or breathing problems.
  • Some flea medications, particularly those not made expressly for cats, may have negative neurological consequences. These include tremors, twitching muscles, and convulsions.

How Long Do The Adverse Effects of Flea Treatment Last?

Generally, the adverse effects of flea treatment last from a few hours to a couple of days. The duration depends on the products used on cats and their sensitivity toward medication.

For instance, sleepiness or lethargy may go away within a few hours when the sedative effects wear off. Normally, skin redness or irritation at the application site goes away in a day or two.

The length of these behavioral changes varies from cat to cat. As the cat feels more at ease, it should progressively go away within a few days. In most cases, digestive problems are short-lived and disappear in a day or two. After this period, they typically resume following their regular eating routine.

The Safest Ways for Cat’s Flea Treatment (Top 5 Safety Measures)

As a cat parent, I always look for the best ways to keep my cat Muezza secure and healthy. I looked for safe flea treatment methods after my initial experience treating Muezza for fleas. I found a few crucial insights, which I now share with our readers.

Safety Measure 1

Call a veterinarian before beginning any flea treatment. They can advise you on the best solutions depending on your cat’s health, age, weight, and any possible drug interactions. You may pick the most secure method for your cat with the help of professional advice.

Safety Measure 2

Use only flea treatments intended exclusively for cats. Never use flea medications for dogs or other animals since they can harm cats. Choose items that have received the seal of approval from reliable regulatory organizations, such as The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the USA.

Safety Measure 3

Topical spot-on treatments are frequently used to manage fleas in cats. These products are applied directly to the skin at the base of the neck or in the area between the shoulder blades. Use the recommended dosage based on the weight of your cat.

For a better understanding, you can have a look at this video:

Safety Measure 4

It’s vital to apply flea medications per the suggested dosage. Using more than recommended will hurt your cat, so resist the urge. Consult your veterinarian for advice if you’re unsure.

Safety Measure 5

After using flea treatments, separate your cats immediately if you have more than one. As a result, they can’t groom one another or consume the medicine, which might be dangerous.

How to Effectively Keep Your Cat Flea-Free?

Prevention is preferable to treatment. I wouldn’t have to worry about giving our fur babies medicines to treat them if they were flea-free. By taking these actions, you may prevent your cat from having fleas:

Step 1:

applying topical flea medicine on muezzas neck
Applying topical flea medicine on muezzas neck

For your cat, pick a suitable flea-prevention product. Options include flea collars, oral drugs, and topical remedies. Apply the selected flea preventative as directed by the schedule and dose.

Treat all of your household’s cats because fleas can readily spread amongst them. Keep a regular preventative schedule all year long because fleas can still be active in the winter.

Step 2:

After addressing the flea infestation problem on Muezza, I gave her a flea bath
After addressing the flea infestation problem on Muezza, I gave her a flea bath

If you notice flea infestation at your home, clean thoroughly to eliminate it. If needed, call pest control to solve this issue permanently. Give proper baths to your cats after addressing the flea infestation problem. Wash all the clothes that came in contact with your cat.

Step 3:

Every week, I use a flea comb to brush Muezza's fur as a preventive measure against flea infestations
Every week, I use a flea comb to brush Muezza’s fur as a preventive measure against flea infestations

Use a flea comb to brush your cat’s fur often. Immediately dispose of any fleas or flea filth you encounter during grooming by submerging them in soapy water. Fleas on your cat’s body can be removed by giving them a gentle, cat-specific flea bath.

Step 4:

Don’t let your cat spend too much time in locations where fleas are frequent, such as long grass and forested areas. Keep them away from areas where stray animals congregate.

Watching this video will provide more clarity regarding this matter;


This section is dedicated to the most asked questions by our readers regarding this topic.

Q: Is Flea Treatment Painful for Cats?

Most flea medications are created to be secure and well-tolerated by cats. However, during the application procedure, cats could feel a little stinging or momentary pain if they have broken skin.

Q: What Should You Avoid While Treating Your Cat for Fleas?

It’s important not to overdose on the cat. Use items designed exclusively for cats. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Q: What If My Cat Licks After Receiving Flea Medication?

Keep the cat from licking the substance until it has completely dried. It shouldn’t have the same effect when licked after it has dried. To be safe, you can put a cat collar on.


It is quite usual for cat parents to worry about their fur buddy’s health if they take long naps after flea treatment. Symptoms like cat sleepy after flea treatment are not alarming unless this condition remains unchanged for a few days.

These mischievous feline friends should return to their normal play routine within a few hours. Follow the guidelines this article outlines to ensure they stay flea-free after the treatment. Rush to the veteran’s clinic if the adverse effects worsen to prevent further consequences.

About the author

One response to “Why Is Cat Sleepy After Flea Treatment? Causes And Solutions”

  1. Michele Avatar

    My eight year old cat has been sleeping more and less active since topical flea medication was given to him about five days ago. He is not drowsy just sleeping more. Maybe the itching is dying down and he is catching up on his sleep?

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