Hair Coming Out of Cat’s Bum–Causes, Prevention, and Treatment




Hair Coming Out of Cat's Bum


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A few months back, my cat Muezza was playing, and suddenly, I saw a long hair coming out of her bum. It made me worried, and I consulted a vet. Cats are known for their meticulous grooming habits. But sometimes, this behavior can lead to an unusual problem with hair coming out of their bum.

There can be several causes for hair from a cat’s bum. Cats groom themselves regularly by licking their fur; sometimes, loose hair can accumulate around their anus. However, excessive hair or any signs of discomfort indicate a potential issue, such as hairballs, matted fur, or gastrointestinal problems.

This peculiar occurrence can cause discomfort for our feline friends and raise concerns for us as responsible cat parents. So, let’s delve deeper into this issue.

Why Hairs Come Out of Cat’s Bum?

If a cat swallows the hair, it quickly passes them through the digestive system and eliminates them in the feces. However, some hair may accumulate in the rectum or anus. Result? Hair protruding from the cat’s bum. Below, we list some causes of hair from a cat’s bum.

Natural Grooming Behavior

Our furry friends are instinctive to groom themselves by licking their fur. They inevitably swallow some of their loose and dead hair during this grooming process.

The same happened with my Muezza. She licked her fur, and some hair was stuck out in her butt. So, speaking of a cat’s digestive system, they can eliminate hair through the feces.

But sometimes excessive grooming or abnormal behavior can result in more hair ingestion and potentially accumulating in the rectal area.

Hairballs in the Digestive System

Occasional swallowing of the hairs can rarely take a toll on a cat’s health, but if it persists, it causes problems. How? When cats ingest a significant amount of hair, it can form into hairballs.

Hairballs are made of fur, saliva, and sometimes undigested food. Hairballs often pass through the digestive system. But in some cases, they can become too large to pass easily via vomit or feces. So, our little friends can face discomfort and potential blockage in the gastrointestinal tract.

What Causes the Excessive Shedding and Hair Accumulation?

There are a few reasons behind this excessive shedding, such as:

  • Seasonal shedding: Many cats experience increased shedding during seasonal changes, such as spring and fall, which can lead to more hair ingestion.
  • Lack of grooming assistance: Cats that cannot groom themselves effectively due to obesity, mobility issues, or old age may have an increased likelihood of hair accumulation.

Impact of breed, age, and Health conditions on the issue

Certain breeds, like Siamese or Abyssinian cats, tend to groom themselves more frequently. Result? They increase their chances of hair ingestion and potential hair accumulation.

On top of that, age-related changes in grooming habits can also be the culprit. Moreover,  underlying health conditions like gastrointestinal disorders or skin allergies can produce hair from cats’ bums.

Potential Risks and Discomfort for the Cat with Hair Ingestion

When hair accumulates in the rectal area, it can cause discomfort and irritation for the cat. The presence of hair can lead to matting or tangling, making it difficult for the cat to pass stool comfortably.

But what are the health consequences of hair coming out of our cat’s bum? If the issue persists, your cat can develop the following:

Blocked or Obstructed Digestive System

It is the most common side effect. If you don’t address the issue, it can lead to digestive system blockage. Hairballs or excessive hair can obstruct the passage of food and waste through the gastrointestinal tract. Result? Your cat will suffer from symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and constipation.

Secondary infections or inflammation in the anal area

The presence of hair coming out of the bum can lead to irritation and inflammation in the anal area. This can make the cat more susceptible to secondary infections, such as bacterial or yeast infections. To look out for infections, you should check the symptoms like redness, swelling, discomfort, and a foul odor in the anal region.

How to Know Your Cat Has Hair Accumulation Problem?

You should be observant of any signs that may indicate the presence of hair from your cat’s bum. Some common signs and symptoms to watch for include:

  • Visible hair sticking out of the anus or rectum.
  • Excessive licking or biting around the anal area.
  • Signs of discomfort or pain while defecating, such as straining or vocalization.
  • Changes in bowel movements, such as constipation or diarrhea.
  • Irritation or redness around the anal region.
  • A foul odor emanated from the anal area.

If you observe any of these signs, you should address the issue promptly to alleviate the discomfort.

What are the Treatment Options?

We can divide the treatments into two categories. One is for mild discomfort, and the second is for significant hair accumulation.

Treatment for Mild Cases

For mild cases where the hair does not cause significant discomfort, there are a few remedies that you can try, such as:

  • Moisture or lubrication: You can apply a small amount of petroleum jelly or a cat-safe lubricant around the anus. It can help ease the passage of trapped hair.

Treatment for Extreme Cases

You should seek professional grooming services if your cat has extreme hair accumulation. Professional groomers have the expertise and tools to remove excess hair from the rectal area safely and effectively.

They can also provide additional grooming techniques, such as trimming or shaving the fur around the anus to prevent further hair accumulation.

  • Veterinary intervention

If your cat has persistent hair from the bum coupled with other symptoms, you should seek a veterinarian’s assistance. The vet will thoroughly examine to rule out any underlying health conditions contributing to the issue.

They may recommend treatments such as laxatives, digestive enzymes, or medication to address hair accumulation or related digestive problems.

  • Surgical Procedures

Although it’s rare, sometimes cats need surgical procedures for this problem. If other treatments fail, this is the last resort. Surgical procedures aim to remove the accumulated hair or address any anatomical abnormalities contributing to the issue.

Prevention Strategies of Hair Coming Out of Cats’ Bum

What can we do to prevent our furry friends from this discomfort? Well, here are some measures to take!

Promote Regular Grooming Routines

For my Muezza, I schedule thorough regular grooming sessions every 7 to 10 days. So, by encouraging regular grooming sessions for your cat, you can also minimize hair accumulation. As a result, you can reduce the chances of hair coming out of their bum.

grooming my cat Muezza
I Groom Muezza daily

In addition, I groom my Muezza daily for her best health, as I brush her fur daily to remove loose hair and prevent excessive ingestion. Moreover, you can leverage a grooming brush or comb suitable for your cat’s fur type to remove loose hair and prevent matting.

Dietary Supplements and Hairball Control Products

Dietary supplements like NaturVet Hairball Remedy are formulated specifically for cats. Such products can help promote healthy digestion and reduce the formation of hairballs. These supplements often contain ingredients like corn gluten meal, soybean hulls, beef tallow, etc.

So, these ingredients can aid hair passage through the digestive system. Additionally, hairball control products, such as specialized cat food or treats, can also assist in preventing hairball formation and facilitating its elimination.

Maintain a Clean Living Environment

Owning a cat entails great responsibility, which means regular cleaning. Why? Because when you clean space, it minimizes the chances of cats ingesting hairs.

So, regular cleaning of your cat’s living environment, including their bedding, furniture, and other surfaces, can help minimize hair accumulation. Use lint rollers, vacuum cleaners with pet hair attachments, or damp cloths to remove loose hair from upholstery and other surfaces.

This reduces the chances of your cat ingesting excessive hair during grooming sessions.

Create a Stress-free Environment

Stress and anxiety can contribute to excessive grooming behavior in cats, increasing hair ingestion. So, as a responsible parent, you should create a calm and stress-free environment for your cat. You can provide them with hiding spots and vertical spaces and engage them in interactive play sessions.

Consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist to address any underlying stressors if necessary. 

Implementing these preventive measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of hair coming out of your cat’s bum and promote its overall well-being.


When I first saw Muezza’s issue with hair on my bum, I was terrified. Hair coming out of cats’ bums can be a concerning issue for cat owners. But if you understand the causes, prevention strategies, and treatment options, you can effectively address this problem.

Regular grooming routines, including daily brushing, can help minimize hair accumulation and ingestion. Moreover, you can introduce dietary supplements and hairball control products. On top of all, you can maintain a clean living environment for their better growth.

But if hair accumulation is more significant, you should seek professional grooming services or veterinary intervention. Remember, a happy and healthy cat results from attentive care, regular grooming, and timely intervention when necessary.

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